

19 February, 2025

Donation for heroic volunteers

TIMBOON Opportunity Shop (TOPS) has made a crucial donation towards Cobden State Emergency Service (SES) in preparation for its recruitment drive upcoming this March.

By wd-news

Donations crucial: Dick Tracey (from left), Timboon Opportunity Shop (TOPS) volunteer Brenda Parfett, Sue Sartori and John Brewer gathered for a generous donation to the Cobden State Emergency Service (SES) this week.
Donations crucial: Dick Tracey (from left), Timboon Opportunity Shop (TOPS) volunteer Brenda Parfett, Sue Sartori and John Brewer gathered for a generous donation to the Cobden State Emergency Service (SES) this week.

Cobden SES volunteer Sue Sartori said she was grateful for the donation of $670.

“That has covered the printing out of a thousand flyers to go in every mailbox in Cobden, as well as extras,” she said.

“It will cover the postage of them, so paying the postman to deliver them, and then we have an extra $100 to spend on bits and pieces to fill show bags to give out at the Vintage Rally.

“We also do visits to the school, the scouts and the kindergarten, and it’s lovely to be able to give just little things to the kids.”

The upcoming recruitment drive is an opportunity to increase the number of volunteers currently stationed in Cobden.

Ms Sartori said donations like these are essential to keep Cobden SES running.

For the community: Cobden State Emergency Service rely on donations to continue the essential volunteer emergency response work they do for the community.
For the community: Cobden State Emergency Service rely on donations to continue the essential volunteer emergency response work they do for the community.

“This donation is wonderful. It’s less money we have to take out of the coffers,” she said.

“We get a government allowance every year of around $12,000 and we spend all of that.

“The government has to replace vehicles every 10 years, but we often have to buy equipment that we need, or at least contribute towards it.

“Any donations that we receive makes it easier and the more equipment that we can have, the better.”

TOPS representative Brenda Parfett said TOPS volunteers were happy to contribute to a necessary cause.

“Sue explained it was necessary to let the people around the district know about Cobden SES.

“They do go down to part of Timboon, such as Scotts Creek, so they cover a wide area, and TOPS had some finance available.

“Sue approached me and it sounded like a good idea.”

Ms Sartori said she thought it was a great opportunity to get the word out about both of their organisations.

“It’s a great way to get this recruitment drive up and going,” she said.

“We have people who we’ve rescued or we’ve gone and tied their roof down after it’s blown off - these people often just give us a donation on the spot.

“We don’t expect this because we don’t get paid, so it’s fantastic.”

Without donations, Cobden SES are unable to continue doing the volunteer emergency response work they do for the community.

The crew at Cobden SES are hopeful further donations will allow them to continue making upgrades and increase recruitment drives.

To donate, visit Cobden SES directly or call 1300 842 737.

Read More: Timboon


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